If I wanted to just use Chez Scheme in DrRacket, how would I do that?

It's a trick question, there is no #lang, and #lang r6rs does something completely different.

Then there's several major issues with prominent figures of the community. Felleisen has allegedly abused people for decades, Butterick is suing over Github Copilot, arguably the most significant productivity software ever created. On top of that, there's a large prominence of authors that are present one year, gone the next, presumably from using Racket for school/university projects and then leaving once they start working on real software at their jobs after they graduate. Understandable, but doesn't leave a good impression for any organization that might be interested in using Racket professionally. Only example I can think of is Hacker News, which serves a few kb of text and can't yet manage the apparently complex world of pagination. Of plain text.

So, I think the landscape for Racket is a bit more bleak than represented here.

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> If I wanted to just use Chez Scheme in DrRacket, how would I do that?

There is a plugin to run Chez Scheme in DrRacket


and there are plenty of other editors with fantastic support for Chez! It is my understanding that every version of Racket comes with the Racket version of Chez Scheme which can be used all on it's own instead of Racket.

> Then there's several major issues with prominent figures of the community. Felleisen has allegedly abused people for decades

Felleisen is definitely not my favorite person in the community but there are plenty of people in the community I do respect like Alexis King, Christine Lemmer-Webber, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt etc that I prefer to follow and support instead.

> Butterick is suing over Github Copilot, arguably the most significant productivity software ever created

Github Copilot violated the licenses of a lot of libraries, and they should not get a free pass just because they created something that people find useful. They could have created CoPilot without doing that. I don't see how Butterick suing Github over Copilot is a major issue. If you read my other articles you will see that I'm generally pretty pro LLM so it's not just that I hate Copilot

> On top of that, there's a large prominence of authors that are present one year, gone the next, presumably from using Racket for school/university projects and then leaving once they start working on real software at their jobs after they graduate. Understandable, but doesn't leave a good impression for any organization that might be interested in using Racket professionally.

Getting traction in the corporate world with a niche language is difficult. It's one of the reasons why I'm writing this post in the first place. To show some of the language's capabilities. There are also plenty of people who enjoy using it without wanting to write Racket in a corporate setting and that is okay too.

> So, I think the landscape for Racket is a bit more bleak than represented here.

One of the things I like to do on this blog is highlight interesting programming languages that aren't necessarily mainstream. These articles aren't designed to go over all of the toxic things members of a specific programming community have done, or how useful these languages are for getting hired in the modern programming world. They are just to geek out about programming and share my love for technologies I like. There are plenty of people on here or in other forums who have written about the toxic environments of some programming communities (I.E Rust) or how useful certain programming languages are to getting a job, whose articles would be better suited to your tastes if that is what you are going for.

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