Welcome to Deus In Machina!

Programming is fun and I’ve devoted my life to it. I learned it a little later in life than your average teenage hacker, or computer science major, so it’s still exciting to me. It brings me so much joy to read about new technologies, software, theory, and games, and I want to share that joy with everyone as well! This blog is organized into 3 broad topics.

  1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  2. Programming Languages and Paradigms

  3. Technology and Society

By writing about these topics, I hope to give back to a world that has provided me with the ability to feed my family as well as much enjoyment and fulfillment. My main areas of expertise are in Python, Racket, Pharo, and C# but I have experience In D, C, Javascript and others. I love learning new languages and hope I never stop. Especially the weird ones👽.

I hope to bring quality content that will be accessible to various levels of programmer, and technologists from beginner to advanced. For as long as you end up staying, please enjoy your time.


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Welcome! Deus In Machina is a blog about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Programming Languages and their Paradigms, and Technology and Society. If these topic interest you, there is whole lot more inside


Using writing as a vehicle to organize my thoughts about the world